Welcome to Millbrook Primary School

At Millbrook Primary School we value learning and see it as a life long process. We seek to create an open and creative school where all are valued, supported and challenged. Everyone receives regular praise and encouragement to be the best they can possibly be. Our learning community is based on honesty, integrity, motivation and responsibility borne out of mutual respect.

Millbrook Primary School is a 1.5 form entry primary school in the residential area of Freshbrook, Swindon. It has an annual intake of 45 pupils (1.5 form), which results in some mixed year group classes. Millbrook Primary School benefits from a stunningly designed, modern, light, purpose-built building which opened in 2009. In March 2024 Millbrook joined Grove Learning Trust and we are excited about all the new opportunities we will be able to give the children and staff at Millbrook, as part of a larger organisation.

We will endeavour to ensure that Millbrook School is kept open for every day during the academic year. However there are rare occasions, when due to extreme weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances, the school or part of the school may need to close. On these days school will communicate with all parties via text message and the school website.

Headteacher’s Welcome

I would like to warmly welcome you to the Millbrook Primary School website and let you know how very proud I am of the achievements made by the school over recent years. We hope you will visit our school but, if you are unable to take a tour at the moment, please watch our video MILLBROOK PRIMARY SCHOOL VIDEO   to get an idea about how amazing Millbrook is! I’d also like to thank all pupils, staff, governors, parents and members of the local community for their hard work in making our school the wonderful place it is today.

The Senior Leadership Team are continuing to drive school improvement in teaching and learning. We are determined to achieve excellence and ensure that every child at Millbrook fulfils their potential. We have an exciting and varied curriculum, which enthuses children and supports them in making the best progress they can. “Staff at all levels share a passion that successfully provides a curriculum that develops pupils’ life experiences. You have developed a school culture that encourages calm and orderly conduct and is aspirational for all pupils. Parents and carers that I spoke with feel well informed about their children’s learning and are thrilled by the variety of activities their children participate in.” Ofsted February 2019. 

The Foundation Stage, which includes Caterpillar Nursery, continues to give our children a fantastic start to their education. The strengths of our provision were recognised in our most recent inspection. “The provision for learning in the early years is vibrant and exceptionally well ordered. Teachers provide a challenging and stimulating environment.” “Children thrive and make strong progress in the early years so that they are well prepared for Year 1.” Ofsted February 2019.

During our last inspection we were judged to be a Good School overall. The inspection report found “The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.” “Good manners are a strong feature at Millbrook. Pupils move around the school safely, hold open doors for others and are polite in lessons. They have good attitudes towards their learning and wear their uniform with pride.” “Pupils strive to improve and take pride in their successes. They follow their teachers’ guidance closely and make strong progress as a result.” Ofsted February 2019.

Our priorities for 2024 – 205 show that Millbrook CARES!

  • C – Curriculum For All
  • A – Attendance
  • R – Resilience
  • E – English
  • S – Safety Online


The Ark, our SEN Unit for children with complex leaning needs, provides a fantastic learning environment and a high level of integration into the mainstream for ten pupils from across Swindon. “Highly skilled staff provide a nurturing and finely tuned education for pupils who have an education, health and care plan. Similar to other parts of the school, teachers make effective use of what pupils know, can do and understand to ensure that pupils make good progress.” Ofsted February 2019.

‘The Hub’ continues to provide convenient, high quality, affordable child care both before and after school and we employ our own Pastoral Support Worker to focus on and increase the well-being of pupils, parents and staff.

We look forward to meeting you and working with you on our journey towards providing the best possible primary education for the children of West Swindon.

Ms Karen Shawyer