Music Curriculum Overview
Music intent
- At Millbrook, we follow the Charanga scheme of work, which follows the English Model Musical Curriculum introduced in 2021.
- Charanga provides children with the opportunity to learn songs and instruments, to listen to a broad range of musical styles as well as being fun, interactive and engaging.
- Each unit of work has an on-going musical learning focus and lessons comprise a combination of the following areas:
- Listen and Appraise
- Musical Activities (including pulse and rhythm)
- Singing and Voice
- Playing instruments
- Improvisation / Composition
- Perform and Share
- By the time they leave Y6, children will have performed in a variety of circumstances, both vocally and playing instruments.
- They will be able to
- Listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, cultures, styles and traditions.
- Sing and use their voices to create different effects.
- Create and compose music, both on their own and with others.
- Use a range of musical language.
- Make judgements and express personal preferences about the quality and style of music.
- Within the EYFS setting, music is an integral part of children’s learning journey. Children sing regularly, learning a wide range of songs and rhymes. Children learn rhythm, rhyme, pulse, dynamic and tempo by experimenting with their voice. They are also offered opportunities to sing, dance and make music continuously through their play-to-learn time. Children are supported to develop the confidence to perform music and are exposed to a wide range of musical instruments.
- A discrete music lesson is taught once a week from Year 1 up to Year 6.
- In each Phase, children have the opportunity to participate in performances each year. They range from the Christmas Nativity, Carol Concerts and end of year productions. All children are involved and perform to the rest of the school and wider community.
- Children in Year 5/6 benefit from whole class specialist teaching delivered by an expert from the Swindon Music Service. This is an adaptation to our music scheme in order to provide children with a rich, real-life experience that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to participate in.
- Weekly lessons are discrete, however we take opportunities to link our music learning with topics wherever possible, for example, in KS1 learning songs from around the United Kingdom.
- Weekly singing assemblies are held in KS1 and KS2 in which children learn a range of songs from traditional hymns to modern songs.
- We integrate music into themed days and whole school activities, for example, learning God Save the King as part of our celebration of the Coronation.
- Each term, children learn to sing and perform a variety of songs as well as an instrumental accompaniment.
- Teachers take photo and video evidence.
- Children are encouraged to perform in weekly sharing assemblies and performances are also recorded and uploaded to be shared with wider audiences.
- Throughout their time at Millbrook, children have multiple opportunities to participate in a range of performances, such as nativities, Easter celebrations and the Leavers’ Service.
- At the end of each Charanga unit there is an assessment lesson which enables teachers to monitor pupils’ progress throughout the year.
- Children enjoy singing and have a love for music.
- Children are able to enjoy music in as many ways as they choose – either as listener, creator or performer.
- Characteristics of learning - achievement, self-confidence, interaction with and awareness of others, and self-reflection.
- An understanding of culture and history, both in relation to children individually, as well as ethnicities from across the world.