Key Stage 1 Wow Start
This term Key Stage 1's topic is Let's Celebrate.
To kick off our term, which began on Bonfire Night, all the classes participated in a range of firework themed activities. We did some Firework dancing in PE:
We created Fireworks in a glass in Science:
we made Breadstick Sparklers…
Years 1 & 2 Science Art and Design DT Design Technology PE Physical Education
Fairground Fun with Sparrows
Across the last two weeks, Sparrows have been working hard to investigate Fairground rides allculminating in them creating their own. They have evaluated existing rides, used circuits and construction materials to investigate pulleys, built prototypes, designed their own version and built…
Years 5 & 6 Science DT Design Technology
STEMazing visit for KS2
Today, Key Stage 2 had the pleasure of a team of inspirational women from STEM.
These inspiration women opened the children's eyes to the wonder of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths through an assembly on STEM Superheroes and individual class workshops on Exploring…