Year 5-6 Vikings Wow Starter

Image of Year 5-6 Vikings Wow Starter

Year 5 and 6 had a great morning exploring traditional Viking activities to start off our topic about Vikings. 

We baked Viking bread, sewed emblems and collected our 'crops' outside as farmers. We had a fantastic time - especially eating our bread that we worked hard…

Years 5 & 6 History DT PE


Key Stage 1 Wow Start

Image of Key Stage 1 Wow Start

This term Key Stage 1's topic is Let's Celebrate.

To kick off our term, which began on Bonfire Night, all the classes participated in a range of firework themed activities. We did some Firework dancing in PE:

We created Fireworks in a glass in Science:

we made Breadstick Sparklers…

Years 1 & 2 Science Art and Design DT Design Technology PE Physical Education


Year 5 and 6 Art

Image of Year 5 and 6 Art

Year 5 and 6 have been studying the artist Corey Barksdale this term. We ended the term with an Art Day where the children designed, sketched and painted their incredible, vibrant works of art. 



Years 5 & 6 Art Art and Design


KS1 Trip to Lydiard Park

Image of KS1 Trip to Lydiard Park

Today was another fantastic day of learning at Millbrook. All the Key Stage 1 children went on an adventurous walk to Lydiard Park and completed lots of different activities.

We created a bug hotel by exploring our environment; we created beautiful drawings of various minibeasts including…

Years 1 & 2 Science History Religious Education PSHE Physical Education


DT: Fruit Cobbler

Image of DT: Fruit Cobbler

This term we have made a fruit cobbler.

We used a number of skills to produce our desserts, which included weighing ingredients, measuring out liquids, rubbing in the butter and flour to make the dough and timing the cook.

Years 3 & 4 DT


Year 3 and 4 Cave Art

Image of Year 3 and 4 Cave Art

Year 3 and 4 have spent this term looking at examples of Cave art dating back to the stone age. After looking at these examples the children designed and created their own cave paintings to tell a story of a hunt. They used a range of materials and techniques such as crayons, charcoal and paints…

Years 3 & 4 History Art and Design


Year 3/4 Iron Age Experience day

Image of Year 3/4 Iron Age Experience day

This week Year 3 and 4 had a vist from Matt Russell an Iron Age expert. The children were engaged in the history of the Iron Age through hands on activities where they held replica and ancient tools and weapons. The children also took part in warrior training and shield design and…

Years 3 & 4 History


Olympic Sports Week

Image of Olympic Sports Week

What an amazing week we have had, we had a great start to the week on Monday when we lit our Olympic flame.

During the week we have participated in many sports including Tag Rugby, Year 5 & 6 ran a 26 minute mini- marathon, Tennis, Archery and Fencing!

On Friday we had a fantastic Sports…


Fairground Fun with Sparrows

Image of Fairground Fun with Sparrows

Across the last two weeks, Sparrows have been working hard to investigate Fairground rides allculminating in them creating their own. They have evaluated existing rides, used circuits and construction materials to investigate pulleys, built prototypes, designed their own version and built…

Years 5 & 6 Science DT Design Technology


STEMazing visit for KS2

Image of STEMazing visit for KS2

Today, Key Stage 2 had the pleasure of a team of inspirational women from STEM.

These inspiration women opened the children's eyes to the wonder of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths through an assembly on STEM Superheroes and individual class workshops on Exploring…

Years 5 & 6 Years 3 & 4 Science Maths Design Technology


Girls Football Team In New Premier League Kit

Image of Girls Football Team In New Premier League Kit

The girls football team continue to play in this seasons Swindon PSFA Girls cup competition in their new kit. 



Book Week 2024

Image of Book Week 2024

This year for Book Week our focus text was The Wizard of Oz.

We had so much fun dressing up as the different characters, reading the story and creating amazing pieces of work based on the book. 


Reading Writing