Fairground Fun with Sparrows

Image of Fairground Fun with Sparrows

Across the last two weeks, Sparrows have been working hard to investigate Fairground rides allculminating in them creating their own. They have evaluated existing rides, used circuits and construction materials to investigate pulleys, built prototypes, designed their own version and built…

Years 5 & 6 Science DT Design Technology


STEMazing visit for KS2

Image of STEMazing visit for KS2

Today, Key Stage 2 had the pleasure of a team of inspirational women from STEM.

These inspiration women opened the children's eyes to the wonder of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths through an assembly on STEM Superheroes and individual class workshops on Exploring…

Years 5 & 6 Years 3 & 4 Science Maths Design Technology


Year 5 & 6 Geography Field Trip

Image of Year 5 & 6 Geography Field Trip

Year 5 & 6 children walked to the Shaw Ridge leisure complex for a geography field trip.  They were looking at aspects of human and physical geography in relation to culture, the environment and safety.  Having drawn sketch maps, later in the term they will be re-designing the area to improve the…

Years 5 & 6 Geography


Year 6 go ice-skating!

Image of Year 6 go ice-skating!

Our Year 6 children are having ice-skating lessons on a Friday afternoon at the Link Centre.  They are making great progress already after only one lesson.  After walking to the Link, exerting themselves on the ice and then walking back to school, they were certainly tired out and ready for a rest…

Years 5 & 6 PE


Year 6 Parliament trip

Image of Year 6 Parliament trip

The Year 6 children had a fantastic visit to Parliament where they had a tour around the House of Commons, House of Lords, voting lobbies and the royal robing room.  This was followed by a workshop on how laws are made and how to debate an issue to prepare for a new bill.  The children also had a…

Years 5 & 6 History


Year 5 children tasting Greek food

Image of Year 5 children tasting Greek food

Woodpecker and Sparrow class sampled food originating from Greece.  We gave our verdict! What will we be cooking at the end of term?

Years 5 & 6 DT


Year 6 children are learning to play the ukulele

Image of Year 6 children are learning to play the ukulele

Dan comes in on Wednesday afternoons to teach the Year 6 children to play the ukulele. 

Years 5 & 6 Music