Year 3 and 4 Cave Art
Year 3 and 4 have spent this term looking at examples of Cave art dating back to the stone age. After looking at these examples the children designed and created their own cave paintings to tell a story of a hunt. They used a range of materials and techniques such as crayons, charcoal and paints…
Years 3 & 4 History Art and Design
Year 3/4 Iron Age Experience day
This week Year 3 and 4 had a vist from Matt Russell an Iron Age expert. The children were engaged in the history of the Iron Age through hands on activities where they held replica and ancient tools and weapons. The children also took part in warrior training and shield design and…
Making Tudor Houses
Seahorses, Turtles and Starfish had so much fun on the first day back of Term 3!
We learnt about what houses were like in London at the time of the Great Fire in the 17th Century.
Then we made our own Tudor houses using cardboard boxes. We even added straw to the rooves!
Year 6 Parliament trip
The Year 6 children had a fantastic visit to Parliament where they had a tour around the House of Commons, House of Lords, voting lobbies and the royal robing room. This was followed by a workshop on how laws are made and how to debate an issue to prepare for a new bill. The children also had a…
Year 1&2 Trip To Lydiard Park
We went on a trip to Lydiard Park. We investigated seasonal change and looked at Lydiard House to link in with our learning on how homes have changed.
Year 1's Trip To Lydiard Park
This term took a trip to Lydiard Park and we looked at our local history and investigated the changing of the seasons. We went on a Woodland walk to find evergreen and deciduous trees and we learned about what the Ice House was used for many years ago. We visited Lydiard Park church and learned…